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Late Wednesday night an elderly couple was killed instantly when a wrecker driver who was driving at a high rate of speed as they were leaving church struck them. Police stated the wrecker driver was driving about 90 mile per hour at the time of impact. The couple was trying to pull out to go eastbound on Wallisville when they were hit but the wrecker driver that was going twice the legal speed limit. There is a possible the wrecker driver could face some criminal charges. The wrecker driver was transported to Ben Taub Hospital, where he was going to be tested for alcohol assumption.

Some of these wrecker drivers can be very reckless when it comes to driving. They sometimes believe that they also have the right to do what police officers are privileged to do. For example, run red lights; drive at a high speed, etc. However what wrecker drivers don’t see is that police officers are responding to civilians who are in need. I understand that wrecker drivers also come and serve us, but it’s not necessary to drive as reckless as they do. I believe that this wrecker driver should face charges for causing the accident and killing the couple at the time of impact. Not only is the driver liable but his employer should share the legal ramifications as well.

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