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Predictions made by industry analysts are answering this question with a big yes. Avandia has been associated with causing an increase in the risks of heart attacks.

The market for diabetes drugs is extremely competitive, so Avandia has its’ hands full. The market could exceed an astounding $30 billion by the year 2011, according to reports.

The drug Actos (same class as Avandia) has benefited a lot as of late because of the risks involved with taking Avandia. Some reports showed a 2 to 1 ratio change from doctors prescribing Avandia and Actos respectively to the exact opposite. There are also other pills that are benefiting from Avandia’s decline.

People still need to be careful with taking these other drugs because they are not as well known and could very well have similar risks and problems that Avandia has. The reality is that it’s still unclear whether or not Avandia is the direct factor involved with these increased heart attacks among patients. It could very well be an issue with other medications a patient might be taking, or other factors. So, people should not yet automatically assume the problem is solely Avandia, although it seems very likely.

For more information on this subject matter please refer to our section detailing Drugs, Medical Devices, and Implants.

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